Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Cop busted for possessing stimulants admits drug addiction

SAPPORO -- A police sergeant arrested for possessing stimulants has admitted that he is addicted to the drug, police said.

Hideyoshi Sasaki, 35, a sergeant at a police box in front of JR Sapporo Station, stands accused of violating the Stimulants Control Law.

"I began to use stimulants two years ago because I was exhausted from caring for an ailing family member. I became addicted to the drug. I'm sorry," he was quoted as telling investigators. "I last used stimulants on Monday."

He was arrested after he turned himself in to a police station late Tuesday night, possessing a syringe and stimulants and accompanied by his mother and other relatives.

Sasaki allegedly bought the illegal drug after obtaining a dealer's contact number on the Internet.

覚せい剤:札幌中央署の巡査部長逮捕 親族付き添い自首







November 21, 2007

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